Hvad er ?

Dkarf: forkortelse af Dansk Karate Forbund, som AKD er medlem af, og som igen er organiseret under Danmarks Idrætsforbund.

WKF: World Karate Federation er verdens største karateforbund, og de regler vi typisk kæmper under til stævner i ind- og udland. EKF er den europæiske del af organisationen.

SKIF: Shotokan Karate International Federation er den stilartsorganisation vi tilhører i AKD. SKIF har sin egen organisation både på europæisk niveau som på verdensplan, og afholder sine egne stilarts mesterskaber som SKIF Cup (DM), EM og VM. SKIF er én af verdens største stilartsorganisation. 

Shotokan: er den største af de 4 traditionelle stilarter der trænes indenfor karate, hvor SKIF er en del af Shotokan stilarten.

Kyu: er bæltegrader - i AKD starte man med 10. kyu (hvidt bælte) og for hver graduering bliver tallet lavere indtil 1. kyu (brunt bælte) - herefter er næste niveau sort bælte (Dan).

Dan: er sort-bælte-graderne, hvor 1. Dan er det første, og det går op til 10. Dan, som de færreste mennesker i verden opnår.

Tatami: kamparealet eller måtterne, hvor der kæmpes på i både Kata og Kumité

Tokui Kata: Valgfri kata/favorit kata ifølge SKIF's og WKF's godkendte Kata-liste.


Stævneord liste

Shobu Ippon

Kilde: Dansk Karate Forbund -  Shobu Ippon regelsæt

Shobu ippon hajime Start of the match
Yame Stop
Tsuzukete hajime Continue (after 'Yame')
Tsuzukete Continue
Atoshibaraku 30 seconds before the match ends
Soremade End of the match
Motonoichi Come to your first position (Ordering the contestants to their fixed positions)
Jogai, nakae You are out, enter the match area (Ordering the contestants to return into the match area)
Ippon A decisive technique
Waza-ari An effective technique
Awasete Ippon Together Ippon (Two waza ari's recognized as one ippon)
Aiuchi Same time (Valid scores at the same moment by the two contestants)
Fukushin shugo Calling the Judges together
Hantei Decision
Aka (Shiro) no kachi Victory of the red (white)
Hikiwake A draw
Hansoku chui Warning of disqualification
Hansoku Foul
Hansoku make Disqualification due to a foul
Shiro (Aka) hansoku, aka (shiro) no kachi A foul by the white (red), the victory of the red (white)
Shiro (Aka) no kiken niyori, aka (shiro) no kachi Victory by the red (white) due to renunciation by the white (red)
Encho sen Extending the time period over which the match is conducted
Uke te imasu blocked
Nukete imasu Technique missed / passed
Haiyai Quicker / Fast
Yowai Weak
Ma-ai Distance
Fujubun Not good enough
Torimasen Not acceptable
Atenai Take care, you may not touch
Mubobi Lack of self-protection
Shikaku Disqualification from Tournament
Mienai Nothing seen
Keikoku Official reprimand


WKF (Dkarf) Kumite

Kilde:  World Karate Federation STATUTES & RULES -  KUMITE Competition Rules 

SHOBU HAJIME Start the Match or Bout After the announcement, the Referee takes a step back.
ATO SHIBARAKU A little more time left An audible signal will be given by the timekeeper 15 seconds before the actual end of the bout and the Referee will announce “Ato Shibaraku”.
YAME Stop Interruption, or end of the bout. As he/she makes the announcement, the Referee makes a downward chopping motion with his hand.
MOTO NO ICHI Original position Competitors and Referee return to their starting positions.
TSUZUKETE Fight on Resumption of fighting ordered after WAKARETE, when an unauthorised interruption occurs – or when the Referee gives an informal order to commence fighting due to lack of activity
TSUZUKETE HAJIME Resume fighting – Begin The Referee stands in a forward stance. As he/she says “Tsuzukete” he/she extends his/her arms, palms outwards towards the Competitors. As he/she says “Hajime” he/she turns the palms and brings them rapidly towards one another, at the same time stepping back.
FUKUSHIN SHUGO Judges called The Referee calls the Judges to assemble.
HANTEI Decision Referee calls for a decision at the end of an inconclusive bout. After a two-tone short blast of the whistle, the Judges signal their votes, and the Referee indicates the winner by raising his/her arm.
HIKIWAKE Draw In case of a tied bout, the Referee crosses his arms, then extends them with the palms showing to the front.
AKA (AO) NO KACHI Red (Blue) wins The Referee raises his/her arm on the side of the winner.
AKA (AO) IPPON Red (Blue) scores three points The Referee raises his/her arm up at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer.
AKA (AO) WAZA-ARI Red (Blue) scores two points The Referee extends his/her arm at shoulder level on the side of the scorer.
AKA (AO) YUKO Red (Blue) scores one point The Referee extends his/her arm downward at 45 degrees on the side of the scorer.
CHUI Warning The Referee shows the signal for the type of offense towards the offender followed by showing 1 to 3 fingers depending on if this is the 1 st, 2nd or 3rd warning.
HANSOKU-CHUI Warning of disqualification The Referee shows the signal for the type of offense towards the offender followed by pointing with one finger towards the offender’s belt.
HANSOKU Disqualification The Referee points to the face of the offender and announces a win for the opponent.
JOGAI Exit from the competition area not caused by the opponent The Referee points his/her index finger to the side of the offender to indicate that the Competitor has moved out of the area followed by the applicable warning or penalty.
SENSHU First unopposed point advantage After awarding the point in the regular fashion, the Referee calls “AKA (AO) SENSHU” while holding lifting his/her bent arm with the palm facing the Referee’ s own face.
SHIKKAKU Disqualification from the tournament The Referee points to the face of the offender, then away from the competition area, and announces a win for the opponent.
TORIMASEN Cancellation A decision is annulled. The Referee crosses his/her hands in a downward movement.
KIKEN Renunciation The Referee points downwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the Competitor’s or Team’s side of the Tatami.
MUBOBI Self-Endangerment The Referee touches his/her face then turning his/her hand edge forward, moves it back and forth to indicate that the Competitor endangered himself.
WAKARETE “Separate” The Referee motions for the Competitors to separate from a clinch, or standing chest to chest, by separating his hands with a motion with the palms outward while giving the verbal order. The Competitors halts action and separate until receiving the order “Tsuzukete”.